create your own chapter
An eye-opening journey awaits you!
why create a chapter?
Establishing a Mu Epsilon Delta chapter at your school is a fruitful, rewarding experience! Throughout the process, you will
Gain valuable, hands-on leadership development and project management experience
Network with and support pre-health students at your university as you realize your career paths
Feel a sense of accomplishment as you are contributing to the everlasting legacy of both your institution as well as Mu Epsilon Delta!
Step 1: contact the mu epsilon delta national executive board
Cooperation and communication with the National Executive Board is crucial towards chapter affiliation. Please contact if you are interested in creating a chapter at your institution.

Step 2: formulate a plan & ENSURE UNIVERSITY APPROVAL
After getting in contact with Mu Epsilon Delta’s expansion personnel, assess the feasibility of establishment with your institution. Make sure your university permits having a professional fraternity on campus, utilizing greek symbols and paraphernalia. We accept chapters that are official fraternities on their campuses, or registered student organizations. Recruit interested and reliable individuals to comprise of the inaugural executive board of your chapter.

Step 3: further cooperation & chartership
Continue working with the National Executive Board to reach official chartership. Upon completion, you will have founded a Mu Epsilon Delta chapter at your institution! Congrats!